จำหน่าย ออกแบบ เขียนแบบ ติดตั้ง งานระบบไฟฟ้า หาดใหญ่ สงขลา - เอ็ม.อี.อี.ซีสเต็มแอนด์ซัพพลาย

GAS TURBINE Engine Exchange TTM โรงแยกก๊าซ อ.จะนะ จ.สงขลา ภาคใต้ ประเทศไทย

by meesystem @6 มี.ค. 66 06:27 ( IP : 113...165 ) | Tags : Actions - กิจกรรม
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  • photo  , 960x640 pixel , 78,522 bytes.
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GAS TURBINE Engine Exchange TTM โรงแยกก๊าซจะนะ จ.สงขลา ภาคใต้ ประเทศไทย
1.Onsite prepare steel plaate/equipment for suport crane lifting work 2.Inspect and Verify the new engine 3.Prepare MARS engine install kits , parts , and tools 4.Verify all Preparation(PTW , Crane , Truck , Stteel plate , etc 5.LOTO , Process to Mechanical & Electritcal lsolation 6.Removal the all obstruction cabie and E & I Faceilities 7.Crane at Site, remove Enclosure,insulation, exchaust ducting system, and Electrical & Instrumentation components 8.Installed/Start Up the Lifting Beam A-Fram Puley and remove AC Starting Motor Including E&I components 9.Disconnected the Lube Oil and seal system fuel line ducting accesseries and remove the old engine out of package
10.Remove starter gear adapter clutch & air inlet duct ( old engine ) Disconnected & removed Exhaust Duct from old engine
11.Lifted/moved old engine to the support for Return Solar and then Lifted/Moved new engine onto package area ( a font ) 12.Assembled the Exhaust & Air inlet Duct to new engine including calibration the insrumentation 13.Assemble the adaptor gear, clucth into new engine and install into package 14.Reinstate the fuel gas system included associated tubing, Instumentation and some electrical system 15.Removed the A-Fram & Beam ffrom package and pre-Alightment and Reinstated the AC motor starter 16.Conduct alighment 17.Reinstate tubing of PCD,Fuel supply&air system, exhaust, air inlet expansions joint,coupling spacer, cover and BV Actuator 18.Installations lube oil piple , enclosure doors, and carry out connecting cables IGV , BV and all instrumentations. 19.Recheck, Power up , Crank Test, and pre Comissioning 20.Engine wash , prepare start up and check list 21.Star up and condition check 22.Engine tuning and Emission Test 23.Engine Performance Testing (48 Hour) 24.Return the Old Engines to Solar

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